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Maeil Asia Human Milk Research Center

올바른 고집으로 분유를 만듭니다. 더 완벽한 분유를 위해 모유를 먼저 연구합니다

모유가 힘겨워 분유의 힘을 빌리는 66%의 엄마들을 위해 연구합니다!(모유가 잘 나오지 않는 엄마 74%, 말 못할 사연 18%, 맞벌이 하는 부부 8%)
Source : A breastfeeding survey by Korean Committee for UNICEF (2011)

매일아시아모유연구소는 이러한 한계를 극복하고 한국인 모유의 체계적인 연구를 하고자 합니다

Breast milk is the most ideal nutrition to your baby and the basics and standards for modified milk powder. You can make powdered milk good for babies only when you have proper knowledge about breast milk. There are many researchers who study breast milk, but not many have studied the breast milk of Korean moms. This is because it is difficult to collect breast milk and it takes lots of equipment, human resources and cost.

What is the Maeil Asia Human Milk Research CenterTM Core 5?

Core 5 refers to the five core items Maeil Asia Human Milk Research Center studies and analyzes based on breast milk and baby poop.

  • Brain
  • Eyesight
  • Growth
  • Defense
  • Digestion

매일아시아모유연구소는 엄마와 아기 모두를 연구합니다. 모유를 닮기 위한 고집, 모유분석 연구!

We collect and analyze breast milk, which is the best food for your baby, and strive to make powdered milk that closely resembles the nutritious qualities of breast milk. We study breast milk as much as we study powdered milk because analyzing and studying breast milk is the foundation of good powdered milk research.

엄마의 걱정을 해결해 주는 앱솔루트 아기똥 솔루션

Baby poop helps us realize the health of our baby by looking at baby poop.

아기똥 솔루션 앱 화면 예시